Top 16 Amasty extensions for Magento 2 in 2024 - Part 1
18 April, 2023 by
Tanseer Ahmed

What is Amasty?

Amasty is a third-party Magento extension provider that offers a wide range of extensions and modules for Magento 2. They specialize in developing solutions to enhance the functionality and performance of Magento 2 stores, including improving the checkout process, optimizing the search functionality, and enabling advanced reporting and analytics.

Their extensions are designed to help Magento 2 merchants boost their sales and improve their customers' shopping experience. Amasty is known for its high-quality, reliable, and user-friendly extensions, and they have a strong reputation in the Magento community.

Let’s see the top 16 Amasty extensions used on Magento projects to develop and boost sales on live for many business consultancy and ecommerce consulting companies.

Geo IP Redirect 

  • The Amasty Geo IP Redirect extension is a Magento 2 module that automatically redirects customers to the appropriate store view based on their location. It detects the customer's IP address and uses geolocation data to redirect them to the store view that matches their country or region.
  • For example, if a customer in the UK visits a Magento 2 store with multiple store views, the extension will automatically redirect them to the UK store view, displaying prices and content in British pounds and English language.
  • This extension is especially useful for merchants who operate stores in multiple countries or regions and want to provide a more personalized shopping experience for their customers. It saves customers time and effort by directing them to the right store view, and it also helps merchants to comply with local laws and regulations by displaying the correct prices, taxes, and shipping options.
  • The Amasty Geo IP Redirect extension is easy to install and configure, and it offers a range of customization options, including the ability to exclude certain IPs, redirect to a default store view, or display a pop-up message to customers asking them to confirm their location

Check this extension:  GEO IP REDIRECT

The Out of Stock Notification

  • The Out of Stock Notification extension by Amasty is a Magento 2 module that allows customers to subscribe to out-of-stock products and receive notifications when they become available again.
  • When a product is out of stock, customers can enter their email address and subscribe to the notification list. Once the product is restocked, the extension automatically sends an email notification to the subscribers, letting them know that the product is available to purchase.
  • This extension is especially useful for merchants who frequently run out of stock or have long lead times for restocking products. It helps to improve customer satisfaction by allowing them to stay informed about product availability and reducing the number of inquiries to customer service. It also helps to increase sales by capturing potential customers who are interested in purchasing the out-of-stock product

Check this extension: Out of Stock Notification

The Google Pagespeed Optimizer

  • The Google PageSpeed Optimizer extension by Amasty is a Magento 2 module that allows merchants to improve the page load speed of their site, which can positively impact search engine rankings and customer engagement. The extension optimizes images, minifies CSS and JavaScript, and enables browser caching, among other features, to improve website speed.
  • The Google PageSpeed Optimizer extension provides merchants with a range of customization options, including the ability to enable or disable specific optimizations, configure custom file sizes for image compression, and set up caching rules for specific pages or customer groups. The extension also includes a range of performance reporting tools, allowing merchants to track website speed and identify areas for improvement.
  • The Google PageSpeed Optimizer extension uses Google's PageSpeed Insights API to generate performance scores for individual pages and suggest optimization opportunities. The extension also includes an image optimization feature that compresses images without losing visual quality, improving load times without compromising the customer experience.

Check this extension: The Google Pagespeed Optimizer

The Elastic Search

  • The Elastic Search extension by Amasty is a Magento 2 module that replaces the default Magento search engine with the powerful and flexible Elastic Search engine. Elastic Search is a widely used open-source search engine that is known for its speed, scalability, and relevance
  • It offers advanced features such as typo correction, autocomplete, synonym search, and facet search, which can help to improve the accuracy and relevance of search results.
  • With the Elastic Search extension by Amasty, merchants can benefit from the advanced features of Elastic Search without the need for technical expertise. The extension is easy to install and configure, and it offers a range of customization options, including the ability to adjust search relevance, limit search results by attribute, and set up stop words and synonyms 

Check this extension:  Elastic Search

Automatic Related Products extension

  • The Automatic Related Products extension by Amasty is a Magento 2 module that allows merchants to create related product blocks automatically based on various rules and conditions.  
  • The extension uses a range of conditions such as product attributes, categories, tags, and customer behavior to automatically generate related products blocks, which are displayed on product pages, cart pages, or in emails.
  • With the Automatic Related Products extension, merchants can offer customers personalized and relevant product recommendations, which can help to increase sales and improve the customer experience. The extension also saves merchants time and effort by automating the process of creating and updating related product blocks, reducing the need for manual intervention.

Check this extension: Automatic Related Products Extension

Advanced reports 

  • The Advanced Reports extension by Amasty is a Magento 2 module that provides merchants with detailed and customizable reports on various aspects of their store's performance. The extension offers a wide range of reports, including sales reports, customer reports, product reports, and marketing reports.
  • With the Advanced Reports extension, merchants can gain insights into their store's performance, identify trends and opportunities, and make informed decisions to grow their business. The extension offers a range of customization options, including the ability to filter and segment data, customize report columns, and schedule automated reports to be sent to specified email addresses.
  • The Advanced Reports extension also includes advanced features such as cohort analysis, which allows merchants to track customer behavior over time, and product affinity analysis, which identifies products that are commonly purchased together. The extension can also integrate with other Amasty extensions, such as the Abandoned Cart Email and Follow-Up Email extensions, to provide a comprehensive reporting and analytics solution for Magento 2 stores.

Check this extension: Advanced Reports

The RMA (Return Merchandise Authorization)

  • The RMA (Return Merchandise Authorization) extension by Amasty is a Magento 2 module that allows merchants to streamline and automate the product return process. With the RMA extension, merchants can create custom return policies, manage return requests, and track return status, all within the Magento 2 admin panel.
  • The RMA extension provides a user-friendly interface for customers to initiate return requests, including the ability to attach images or files to support their requests. Merchants can customize the RMA request form to match their brand and set up automated notifications to keep customers informed throughout the return process 
  • Merchants can also customize the return rules and policies, including the ability to define return reasons, set up return deadlines, and specify return shipping methods. The extension also integrates with shipping carriers, allowing merchants to generate return shipping labels and track return shipments.

Check this extension: RMA

The Gift Card

  • The Gift Card extension by Amasty is a Magento 2 module that allows merchants to create and sell gift cards on their store. With the Gift Card extension, merchants can offer their customers a convenient and flexible gifting option, which can help to increase sales and customer loyalty.
  • The Gift Card extension provides merchants with a range of customization options, including the ability to create custom gift card designs, set expiration dates, and offer various denominations. Merchants can also set up flexible delivery options, including email delivery, physical delivery, and in-store pickup.
  • Customers can easily purchase and redeem gift cards on the store, and merchants can track gift card sales and redemptions in the Magento 2 admin panel. The extension also integrates with other Amasty extensions, such as Follow-Up Email and Abandoned Cart Email, allowing merchants to use gift cards as part of their marketing and sales strategies.  

Check this extension: Gift Card

Stay tuned and check out the other Amasty extensions in part 2 of the article! 

Tanseer Ahmed 18 April, 2023
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